Selasa, 20 Juni 2023



This is 20th of June in 2023. My ordinary day in Mtsn Pematangsiantar.. 

Allahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad.. 
Wallahi.. For the Sake of My God . I love my God .

He gives me this wisdom, hikma, Ilm, Rahmat, Love ... For me . For understand what he meaned. 

I just know that... How the way to have a speech ... For a big thing.. How to ask my students.. how to pray to you God . 

Allahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad.

Al jumuah : 2
Here he ( Ustadz Felix) teach . That

Yatlu 'alaihim ayatih means Kognitif. Means You are taught that . Your God is strength.. you need him.. you are creatured by him... You have to realize .. that He is God ( Science ) ( Why )
Yuzakkihim means Afective. Feeling... You know that you are his creature. You are weak. You need him.. you love him ..
( Relize , love ) ( Why )

Wayu'allimuhumul kitaba. Psikomotorik.. You are asked ... You Learn.. How to. ( Al-Qur'an)

Wal hikmah ... ( Wisdom) Bijak... (Behavioral) ... The the outcome got. Good deeds. Akhlaq.

Rabu, 29 September 2021


 Since I have been 23 to 24 years old. I am such old right now. I have to get marry while I have no partner to stand each other with. I hope my God meet me soon to him.. I know he will give me the best. I now teach in two different school. One they that don't have any motivation at all going to school. That's worse. And other is very great. Ya Allah give the best to all of my students. I know that having a partner is also about the obligation and so on. Now. Even I have no movie or something to be do for. Yesterday I was crying. Too bed. I am so miserable. yeah . Remembering that I have no friend or date. I am very shy to start chat with virgin again.. he did not answer my phone in the last. Tho he phone back after that . I was deeply in the bad mood that time. How bad. Now, I am watching a movie about PKI. Oh.. come on.. even I don't understand the movie. That's the history. And do you know what... I have nothing to do if I go home right now.. how bad. I remember that.. u. Az is very similar with my brother.. how he does so. 

Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

Tujuan Hidup kita



          Hidup sebenarnya bukan untuk bersenang - senang, tapi untuk ibadah dan berjkuang di jalan Allah  SWTana karena pada hakikatnya dunia ini hanyalah permainan bukan abadi, jadi kampung yang sebenarnya itu adalah akhirat. Hmmm.. tapi kenapa udah pada tau, gak banyak - banyak ibadah ya? Hmmm itu syaitan, tapi bagaimana kalau beranggapan bosan? Wadouuuh enggaklah masa ibadah bosan, ibadah itu ikhlas agar tak bosan kita yang membutuhkan ibadah atau kita yang membutuhkan Allah bukan Allah yang membutuhkan kita, kita harus meninggalkan apa yang menurut kita nyaman yang  membuat kita terlena dan malas malasan karena tujuan hidup kita itu untuk ibadah dan menjadi khalifah di bumi ini.
        Ingat hidup ini hanya sementara kita harus memanfaatkannya,  hidup adalah amanah yang harus kita jalani dengan sebaik - baiknya. Hidup juga perjuangan kita harus semangat, arti berjuang disini ialah berjuang melawan hawa nafsu dan lainnya, Hargai hidupmu hidupmu sangat berharga, capai tujuan hidupmu tetap semangat karena Allah selalu bersamamu